2005 年 08 月 的封存

Vicky visit 小白流浪到北京

雖然小白只有留下了短短的三日,,,,實際應為二日四夜. 不過也因為這次小白的來訪更讓我認清了一些事實:
1. 小白酒膽退步了.
2. ANGEL酒膽退步了.
3. 身邊的朋友不管認識多久,一樣愛起鬨叫囂.
週五的朴氏(漂記), 週六在家的酒攤…都是精彩…可惜胖虎沒有參與.
再一次証明了, ANGEL的朋友沒有膽子小不好相處的, 除了……ha..ha..ha….!
Great party when Vicky visited Beijing… again, approve one thing, I have changed. No more hangover thus no more swig. Good thing! CHEERS!!!

Dinner with my fellows….you, you, you, you and you.

Ha….. sorry to my fans..who have been always there and waiting my photos and paragraphs… you are the best and I love you guys… thank you for always standing by the stage and focus on me. I love you as you are always loving me..Thank you! And here comes the new updates of my life story… here you go.!
I am that kind of person who thinks the diary is no need to keep writing every day… so, now I am hurrying updating my "old thoughts" from yesterday or the day before.. sorry.. I’m lazy as you all know. The pictures are about the dinner we have had in a new restaurant near the place I work. We had dinner after work on a Thursday… I guess it was last Thursday. No need to be any occasion, and no reason, we  fellows ran in the new place to taste the new stuffs. Everything was fine but the fellows I went with were all my dear, always hungry, big stomach male buddies…. who may kill people from stopping them to eat -> I guess.  Plates were cleared as fast as usual. And all of us went out restaurant door with SMILE…. ha… I love to have dinners with you guys. You are incredible "dish cleaner". The best friend for gril who wants to be fit…
新增加了上週四 (8/25) 去了"劉家香" 吃飯時的照片. 大家都有上鏡, 除了"盪申"的小強外….小強! 總有一天逮到你的啦!!!!

Hurry in Love

How could you do this to me when I still had been feeling all these moments as special ones in my life…when love is hurring out, unstoppable going down and down…
傷心的事只能留給眼睛, 不能留給手或口!
今天敗了一次, 明天再接再勵…!

Friendship Everlasting

今天收到了台灣同事的明信片…..又是四張一起連發. 跟上週的四張湊湊就有八張了. 真是不哩呀感動, 想不到, 身在遠方 的我還能從久違的台灣同事手中接過這暖暖的關心. 看來, 下次回去, 澳洲土狗是一定要來一隻的啦…!!
Friends, what I didn’t aware is the mind of you thinking of me. Thank you for caring me and express your careness to me especially when I am living, working, living, working numbly…